Dual monitor different resolutions

broken image
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broken image
broken image

I've tried messing with the scale and position of the wallpapers in the settings, but it seems to pre-emptively cut the wallpaper, so I can't change where the borders lie.Īs a side note: I have displayfusion set to be 'different image for each monitor' because I have my main bank of 3 monitors, and a side monitor that gets its own wallpaper.Īw, that sucks. It won't look the best, I know, but I'm rather attached to some of these wallpapers, and would hate to have to remake them in the new resolution, or have to manually make this edit in photoshop for every wallpaper. What I want to do is basically scale the center portion of the wallpaper from the 1080 to 1440 resolution, so the edges stay in the same place, and the center just happens to be a larger resolution. However, I recently upgraded my center monitor to a 2560x1440 monitor, and so my wallpapers are all messed up, they either stretch beyond the screen, there are black bars, and the edges don't line up right (a lot of the wallpapers are designed to go around the bezels), or some other problem. So, I used to have just 3 1920x1080 monitors, so 5760x1080 wallpapers were perfect for me, and I have all of them in that resolution now.